66 research outputs found

    MINDtouch embodied ephemeral transference: Mobile media performance research

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    This is the post-print version of the final published article that is available from the link below. Copyright @ Intellect Ltd 2011.The aim of the author's media art research has been to uncover any new understandings of the sensations of liveness and presence that may emerge in participatory networked performance, using mobile phones and physiological wearable devices. To practically investigate these concepts, a mobile media performance series was created, called MINDtouch. The MINDtouch project proposed that the mobile videophone become a new way to communicate non-verbally, visually and sensually across space. It explored notions of ephemeral transference, distance collaboration and participant as performer to study presence and liveness emerging from the use of wireless mobile technologies within real-time, mobile performance contexts. Through participation by in-person and remote interactors, creating mobile video-streamed mixes, the project interweaves and embodies a daisy chain of technologies through the network space. As part of a practice-based Ph.D. research conducted at the SMARTlab Digital Media Institute at the University of East London, MINDtouch has been under the direction of Professor Lizbeth Goodman and sponsored by BBC R&D. The aim of this article is to discuss the project research, conducted and recently completed for submission, in terms of the technical and aesthetic developments from 2008 to present, as well as the final phase of staging the events from July 2009 to February 2010. This piece builds on the article (Baker 2008) which focused on the outcomes of phase 1 of the research project and initial developments in phase 2. The outcomes from phase 2 and 3 of the project are discussed in this article

    Habitatmodellen voor de commerciële schelpdieren in de Westelijke Waddenzee

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    Directie IJsselmeergebied van Rijkswaterstaat is een planstudie gestart die tot doel heeft besluiten voor te bereiden voor de bouw van een spuimiddel in de Afsluitdijk. De inzet van een extra spuimiddel zal leiden tot andere saliniteitspatronen in de westelijke Waddenzee. De saliniteit is potentieel van invloed op het voorkomen van bodemfaunasoorten. De bodemfauna vormt een belangrijke bron van voedsel voor vogels en vissen en een aantal soorten worden commercieel benut (mossel, kokkel). Het is daarom belangrijk te weten in hoeverre de bodemfauna wordt beïnvloed door de saliniteit en wat het effect is van de inzet van een extra spuimiddel

    The potential of aerial photography for estimating surface areas of intertidal Pacific oyster beds (Crassostrea gigas)

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    Pacific oysters were introduced into the Eastern Scheldt in 1964 for breeding purposes. The first spatfall of wild Pacific oysters was recorded in 1976, and a second larval outburst in 1982 definitely settled wild Pacific oysters in the Eastern Scheldt waters. Oyster beds on intertidal and subtidal areas have been growing since. The objective of this study is to research the potential of aerial photography for estimating surface areas of intertidal Pacific oyster beds. Black & white and false-color aerial photographs were used to locate Pacific oyster beds. For verification purposes, oyster bed contours were measured in the field. The accuracy of the method used was comparable with accuracies found in other studies, with a chance of underestimating the surface areas in the field. With aerial photographs of 1980 and 1990 the surface areas of Pacific oysters in both years were reconstructed, showing an increase in surface area of Pacific oyster beds. The study shows aerial photography has the potential to be an aid in surveying intertidal Pacific oyster bed

    Japanse oesters in het litorale gebied van de Oosterschelde in 2002

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    In 2002 zijn litoraal liggende oesterbanken in de Oosterschelde geïnventariseerd. De nadruk heeft gelegen op het inlopen van oesterbanken met behulp van plaatsbepalingsapparatuur (GPS). Totaal is 263 ha oesterbank ingelopen. Dit bestand aangevuld met oude bestanden en bestanden gezien op luchtfoto’s levert een totaal oesterbankenoppervlak van 640 ha op. Aan de hand van de biomassa bepalingen uitgevoerd in 2000 en 2002 kon aan iedere bank een biomassa worden gekoppeld. Hieruit is een totale biomassa van 89 miljoen kg versgewicht in de Oosterschelde berekend
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